- Dormant, Yellow
Pearl Lewis
- $10.00
- (Peck, 1984) height 24in (61cm), bloom 6in (15.0cm), season MLa, Dormant, Tetraploid, Gold self with olive throat.
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- Dormant, Yellow
Penny’s Worth
- $10.00
- (Hager, 1987) height 10 in.(25 cm), bloom 1.5 in.(4 cm), season EE, Rebloom, Dormant, Diploid, Light yellow self with deeper yellow throat. (Pizza × (Daily Bread × Bitsy))Awards: HM 1991
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- Evergreen, Eyes & Edges, Yellow
Piano Man
- $12.00
- (Trimmer, 1998) height 28in (71cm), bloom 4.75in (12.0cm), season EM, Evergreen, Tetraploid, Fragrant, 30 buds, 3 branches, Cream with plum eye and green throat.
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- Eyes & Edges, Red, Semi-Evergreen, Yellow
- $12.00
- (Maryott, 2005) height 31in (79cm), bloom 5in (12.5cm), season EM, Rebloom, Semi-Evergreen, Tetraploid, 35 buds, 2 branches, Yellow gold with red eye and edge above yellow throat.
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- Dormant, Yellow
Rainbow Towers
- $12.00
- (Schwarz-B., 1999) height 64in (163cm), bloom 8in (20.5cm), season M, Dormant, Tetraploid, 30 buds, 4 branches, Gold self above gold throat.
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- Semi-Evergreen, Yellow, Eyes & Edges
Romanian Rendevous
- $15.00
- (Salter, 2003) height 28 in.(71 cm), bloom 5.75 in.(15 cm), season M, Rebloom, Semi-Evergreen, Tetraploid, 25 buds, 3 branches, Cream with red magenta eye above yellow green throat.
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- Dormant, Eyes & Edges, Purple, Yellow
Siloam Ury Winniford
- $12.00
- (Henry-P., 1980) height 23in (58cm), bloom 3.25in (8.3cm), season EM, Dormant,, Deep cream with large purple eyezone and green throat.
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- Dormant, Yellow
Smuggler’s Gold
- $10.00
- (Branch, 1991) height 24in (61cm), bloom 6in (15.0cm), season M, Dormant, Tetraploid, Fragrant, Gold brushed bronze blend with huge lemon yellow throat.
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- Dormant, Spiders & UFO, Yellow
Spin Master
- $12.00
- (Schwarz-B., 1999) height 36 in.(91 cm), bloom 7 in.(18 cm), season EM, Dormant, Diploid, 20 buds, 3 branches, Unusual Form Crispate, Yellow green self above yellow green throat.
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- Dormant, Yellow
Stella de Oro
- $10.00
- (Jablonski, 1975) height 11in (28.0cm), bloom 2.75in (7.0cm), season EM, Rebloom, Dormant, Diploid, Fragrant, Gold self with very small green throat.
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- Dormant, Spiders & UFO, Yellow
Twist of Lemon
- $10.00
- (Brooks-H., 1984) height 33in (84cm), bloom 7in (18.0cm), season EM, Dormant, Tetraploid, Unusual Form Crispate, Pale lemon yellow self with green throat.
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