- Eyes & Edges, Pink & Lavender, Semi-Evergreen
‘A Kiss from Your Lips’
- $15.00
- (Wnek, 2012) height 20 in.(51 cm), bloom 5 in.(13 cm), season M, Semi-Evergreen, Tetraploid, 12 buds, 2 branches, Pink with wine banded eye, yellow green throat, deep wine ruffled edge.
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- Dormant, Pink & Lavender
Allen Wild
- $12.00
- (Wild-G., 1991) height 17 in.(43 cm), bloom 5.75 in.(15 cm), season EM, Dormant,, Diamond dusted strong lavender and burgundy with burgundy watermark above strong yellow green throat.
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- Dormant, Pink & Lavender
Along the Way
- $12.00
- (Stevens-D., 1980) height 27in (69cm), bloom 5.5in (14.0cm), season MLa, Dormant, Tetraploid, Peach pink with deep red eyezone and green throat.
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- Dormant, Eyes & Edges, Pink & Lavender
Angel Rodgers
- $20.00
- (Wilson-T., 1996) height 25in (64cm), bloom 6in (15.0cm), season MLa, Dormant, Diploid, Lavender with dark lavender to purple eyezone and green throat.
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- Pink & Lavender, Semi-Evergreen
Belle Cook
- $15.00
- (Brooker, 2001) height 24in (61cm), bloom 6in (15.0cm), season M, Semi-Evergreen, Tetraploid, 20 buds, 4 branches, Pink self above green throat.
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- Evergreen, Pink & Lavender
Best Kept Secret
- $12.00
- (Kirchhoff-D., 1990) height 28in (71cm), bloom 5.5in (14.0cm), season M, Rebloom, Evergreen, Tetraploid, Fragrant, Rose pink with coral rose watermark
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- Eyes & Edges, Pink & Lavender, Semi-Evergreen
Blue Magician
- $12.00
- (Nichols-R., 2004) height 22in (56cm), bloom 5.5in (14.0cm), season M, Rebloom, Semi-Evergreen, Tetraploid, Orchid lilac lavender blend with chalky blue gray eye above yellow green throat
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- Dormant, Pink & Lavender, Eyes & Edges
Blueberry Breakfast
- $15.00
- (Rose, 1988) height 22in (56cm), bloom 5in (12.5cm), season M, Dormant, Diploid, Slate lavender with wide magenta purple midrib and deep purple eyezone above green throat.
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- Dormant, Orange, Pink & Lavender
Bright and Showy
- $15.00
- (Shooter, 1992) height 19 in.(48 cm), bloom 4 in.(10 cm), season MLa, Rebloom, Dormant, Diploid, Tangerine, melon pink blend with large chartreuse throat. (sdlg × Super Poems)
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- Dormant, Eyes & Edges, Pink & Lavender
Broadway Review
- $10.00
- (Stamile-G., 1997) height 18in (46cm), bloom 3in (7.6cm), season EM, Rebloom, Dormant, Tetraploid, Cream apricot with a bold red eyezone and edge above a green throat
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- Dormant, Eyes & Edges, Pink & Lavender, Spiders & UFO
Cameroons Twister
- $15.00
- (Benz, 2000) height 40in (102cm), bloom 7.5in (19.0cm), season MLa, Rebloom, Dormant, Tetraploid, Fragrant, 40 buds, 5 branches, Unusual Form Crispate, Wine purple with pale watermark and eye above green throat.
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- Dormant, Pink & Lavender
Cherry Cheeks
- $12.00
- (Peck, 1968) height 28in (71cm), bloom 6in (15.0cm), season MLa, Dormant, Tetraploid, Rose pink blend with green yellow throat.
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- Dormant, Pink & Lavender, Spiders & UFO
Chesapeake Crablegs
- $12.00
- (Reed, 1994) height 38in (96cm), bloom 6.5in (16.5cm), season EM, Rebloom, Dormant, Diploid, Fragrant, Spider Ratio 4.00:1, Orange with orange red chevron eyezone above gold to olive green throa
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- Pink & Lavender, Semi-Evergreen, Spiders & UFO
Concorde Nelson
- $10.00
- (Reeve, 1998) height 29in (74cm), bloom 7in (18.0cm), season M, Semi-Evergreen, Diploid, Unusual Form Crispate, Lavender pink blend with light yellow throat.
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- Dormant, Eyes & Edges, Pink & Lavender, Spiders & UFO, Yellow
Damariscotta River Prince
- $18.00
- (Barth-O'Donal, 2013) height 33 in.(84 cm), bloom 6.75 in.(17 cm), season MLa, Dormant, Tetraploid, 12 buds, 3 branches, Unusual Form Cascade-Spatulate, Cream with polychrome pink blush and expanded green eye.
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- Dormant, Eyes & Edges, Pink & Lavender
Designer Jeans
- $12.00
- (Sikes, 1983) height 34in (86cm), bloom 6.5in (16.5cm), season M, Dormant, Tetraploid, Lavender with dark lavender edges and eyezone and yellow green throat
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- Dormant, Eyes & Edges, Pink & Lavender
Designer Magic
- $12.00
- (Sikes, 1995) height 24in (61cm), bloom 5in (12.5cm), season M, Rebloom, Dormant, Tetraploid, Lavender mauve blend with deep lavender eyezone edged lavender and green to yellow throat.
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- Eyes & Edges, Pink & Lavender, Semi-Evergreen
Desiree’s Desire
- $15.00
- (Hansen-D., 2002) height 36 in.(91 cm), bloom 4.5 in.(11 cm), season M, Rebloom, Semi-Evergreen, Tetraploid, 20 buds, 4 branches, Lavender with yellow to amethyst edge above green to rose gold throat . (Lonely Heart × Arabian Magic)
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- Dormant, Eyes & Edges, Pink & Lavender
Echoes of Mercy
- $10.00
- (Bell-T., 2002) height 24in (61cm), bloom 5in (12.5cm), season M, Rebloom, Dormant, Tetraploid, Fragrant, 20 buds, 4 branches, Lavender rose with purple eye above green throat.
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- Dormant, Eyes & Edges, Pink & Lavender
Ellie’s Curve Ball
- $25.00
- (Richardson-E., 2017) height 24 in.(60 cm), bloom 5 in.(12 cm), season M, Dormant, Tetraploid, 10 buds, 2 branches, Diamond dusted pink, with yellow green throat and gold fringed edge
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- Dormant, Eyes & Edges, Pink & Lavender
Ellie’s Shock
- $30.00
- (Richardson-E., 2017) height 31 in.(78 cm), bloom 6 in.(15 cm), season MLa, Dormant, Tetraploid, 15 buds, 3 branches, Lavender pink, wide petals that nearly cover the sepals, a darker lavender eye, and double lavender and gold edge with yellow green throat.
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- Dormant, Double, Eyes & Edges, Pink & Lavender
Ellie’s Whammy
- $30.00
- (Richardson-E., 2017) height 29 in.(73 cm), bloom 5 in.(12 cm), season M, Dormant, Tetraploid, 12 buds, 2 branches, Double 20%, Bright salmon self, with yellow green throat and fringed edge
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- Pink & Lavender, Semi-Evergreen
Elvis Lives
- $12.00
- (Shooter-F., 1998) height 26in (66cm), bloom 5in (12.5cm), season M, Rebloom, Semi-Evergreen, Tetraploid, 20 buds, 3 branches, Medium lavender rose blend with faint light blue watermark above light gold throat.
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